How to Bury a Trampoline in the Ground? (Common Mistakes to Avoid)

Published on: May 26, 2023
Written by Ferris Jacob / Fact-checked by Samrul Alom

Trampolines are a popular way to have fun and exercise in your backyard. However, they can also be a bit of an eyesore, especially if you have a smaller yard. One solution to this problem is to bury your trampoline in the ground. Not only will this improve the appearance of your yard, but it will also make your trampoline safer by reducing the risk of falls from a height.

how to bury a trampoline in the ground

Burying a trampoline is not as simple as just digging a hole and throwing it in, though. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide on how to bury a trampoline in the ground. We’ll cover everything from preparation and site selection to digging the hole and installing the trampoline. Whether you’re an experienced DIYer or a first-time homeowner, this guide will give you the knowledge and tools you need to successfully bury your trampoline and enjoy it for years to come.

Preparation for Bury a Trampoline in the Ground


The first thing you need to consider is the location of your trampoline. You should choose a location that is level and away from any trees or other obstacles. You should also consider the drainage of the area, as you don’t want water to collect under the trampoline.


You should also consider the size of the trampoline. Make sure that the size of the hole you dig is at least a foot larger than the size of the trampoline. This will give you enough room to work around the trampoline and ensure that it is level.


You will need some tools to bury your trampoline, including a shovel, a level, and a measuring tape. You may also need a saw or other cutting tool if you need to trim any parts of the trampoline.

Process for Digging the Hole

Once you have chosen the location and gathered your tools, it’s time to dig the hole.

Marking the Site

Start by marking the site where you want to bury the trampoline. Use the measuring tape to ensure that the site is the correct size for your trampoline.

Digging the Hole

Next, start digging the hole. Make sure that the hole is deep enough for the trampoline to sit level with the ground. You should also make sure that the sides of the hole are straight and even.

Adding Drainage

Before you install the trampoline, you should add drainage to the bottom of the hole. This will prevent water from collecting under the trampoline and causing damage. You can use gravel or sand for this purpose.

How to Install the Trampoline?

how to install the trampoline

Assembling the Trampoline

Start by assembling the trampoline according to the manufacturer’s instructions. You may need to trim some parts of the trampoline to fit it in the hole.

Placing the Trampoline in the Hole

Once the trampoline is assembled, place it in the hole. Make sure that it is level and that the legs are secure.

Backfilling the Hole

Finally, backfill the hole with dirt. Make sure that the dirt is packed tightly around the trampoline.

Filling the Hole

Filling the hole is the final step in burying your trampoline in the ground. Before you start, make sure that the trampoline is level and secure. If it is not level, adjust the ground underneath until it is. If it is not secure, add additional soil around the legs until it is stable.

To fill the hole, start by adding a layer of gravel or rocks at the bottom. This will provide drainage and prevent water from pooling around the trampoline. Next, add a layer of sand on top of the gravel. The sand will help to absorb any shock and provide a soft landing surface.

Once you have added the sand, you can begin filling the hole with soil. It is important to use the same soil that you dug out of the hole, as this will ensure that the ground settles evenly. As you add soil, tamp it down with a tamper or a piece of wood to remove any air pockets. Continue filling the hole until the ground is level with the surrounding area.

Water the ground around the trampoline to help settle the soil. You may need to add additional soil after the first watering, as the ground may settle slightly. Once the ground is level and settled, you can add a layer of grass or sod over the top to restore the appearance of your lawn.

With the hole filled and the trampoline buried, you can now enjoy your backyard without the eyesore of a trampoline taking up valuable space. Just remember to check the trampoline regularly for wear and tear and to maintain the area around it to ensure that it remains safe and secure for years to come.

Finishing Touches

After burying your trampoline, there are a few finishing touches that you can add to make the area around it look neat and tidy. One option is to add a layer of mulch or decorative stones around the perimeter of the trampoline. This will help to define the area and prevent grass and weeds from growing too close to the trampoline.

Another option is to add a safety enclosure around the trampoline. A safety enclosure will help to prevent anyone from falling off the trampoline and injuring themselves. There are many different types of safety enclosures available, from simple netting to more elaborate structures that include poles and frames.

If you want to add a bit of style to your trampoline area, you can also consider adding some landscaping features, such as plants or decorative fencing. Just make sure that any plants you choose are not too close to the trampoline and do not pose a hazard to anyone using it.

Finally, it’s important to maintain the area around the trampoline. This means regularly mowing the lawn, trimming any overgrown vegetation, and removing any debris that may accumulate. By keeping the area around your buried trampoline clean and well-maintained, you’ll be able to enjoy it for years to come.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Maintaining and upkeep of a buried trampoline is essential to ensure its longevity and safety.

Regularly check the trampoline for wear and tear. Inspect the frame, mat, springs, and safety enclosure for any signs of damage or wear. Repair or replace any damaged parts as needed.

Clean the trampoline regularly. Dirt and debris can accumulate on the mat, which can affect the bounce of the trampoline. Use a soft-bristled brush to sweep away any debris, and use a mild soap and water solution to clean the mat. Rinse thoroughly with a hose.

Inspect the area around the trampoline. Make sure there are no sharp objects or hazards that could cause injury. Remove any debris, toys, or other objects that may be lying around the trampoline.

Adjust the soil level around the trampoline. Over time, the ground may settle, which can cause the trampoline to become unlevel. Check the soil level around the trampoline and add or remove soil as needed to keep it level.

Keep the area around the trampoline well-maintained. Regularly mow the lawn, trim any overgrown vegetation, and remove any debris or fallen branches that may accumulate.

Winterize the trampoline. If you live in an area with harsh winters, you may need to take steps to protect your trampoline from the elements. Remove the safety enclosure and mat, and store them in a dry place. Cover the frame with a weatherproof cover to protect it from snow and ice.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While burying a trampoline can be a great way to improve the safety and appearance of your backyard, there are some common mistakes that people make that can lead to problems down the road. Here are some mistakes to avoid when burying your trampoline:

  • Not preparing the site properly. One of the biggest mistakes people make when burying a trampoline is not properly preparing the site. Make sure you have enough space for the trampoline and that the ground is level and firm. If the ground is not level, you may need to add or remove soil to make it so.
  • Failing to secure the trampoline properly. When burying a trampoline, it’s important to make sure that it is securely anchored to the ground. If it’s not, it may shift or move, which can be dangerous. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for anchoring the trampoline.
  • Not installing a safety enclosure. A safety enclosure is an essential component of a trampoline, as it helps to prevent falls and injuries. Make sure to install a safety enclosure that is appropriate for the size and shape of your trampoline.
  • Forgetting to check for underground utilities. Before you start digging, it’s important to check for any underground utilities, such as gas or electrical lines. If you accidentally damage one of these, it can be dangerous and expensive.
  • Neglecting maintenance. Once you’ve buried your trampoline, it’s important to regularly maintain it to ensure its longevity and safety. Neglecting maintenance can lead to wear and tear, which can be dangerous.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your buried trampoline is safe, secure, and enjoyable for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why Would I Want to Bury My Trampoline in the Ground?

Burying your trampoline in the ground, also known as creating an in-ground trampoline, offers a variety of benefits. It improves safety by reducing the height of falls, maintains a natural aesthetic by blending into your backyard landscape, and may mitigate wind-related risks as the trampoline is less exposed.

2. What Are the Steps to Bury a Trampoline in the Ground?

First, choose a safe, suitable location away from trees, fences, and other potential hazards. Measure the trampoline and dig a hole slightly larger than the trampoline’s dimensions. Ensure the hole is deep enough for the trampoline’s height. Next, install a retaining wall around the edge to prevent soil from collapsing in. Place the trampoline in the hole and secure it. You may need to create a drainage system to prevent water buildup.

3. How Do I Ensure Proper Drainage for My In-Ground Trampoline?

Proper drainage is crucial to prevent water from accumulating under your trampoline. This can be achieved by installing a French drain or a soakaway. A French drain involves a trench filled with gravel or rock that diverts water away from the trampoline pit. A soakaway, on the other hand, absorbs and disperses water into the ground. Your choice will depend on your soil type and the local water table.

4. Do I Need a Special Trampoline to Install it In-Ground?

While you can install most trampolines in-ground, there are trampolines designed specifically for this purpose. In-ground trampolines typically have a more robust frame to withstand the pressure of being surrounded by soil. They often come with pre-fabricated retaining wall systems and ventilation solutions to optimize bouncing performance. However, a regular above-ground trampoline can still be adapted with the right preparations.

5. How Much Will It Cost to Bury a Trampoline in the Ground?

The cost of burying a trampoline in the ground varies greatly depending on factors such as the trampoline size, whether you need to buy a new trampoline, the type of drainage system used, and whether you hire a professional or do it yourself. You’ll also need to consider the cost of a retaining wall system if it’s not included with the trampoline. On average, you could expect to spend a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.

Wrap Up

Burying a trampoline can be a great way to improve the safety and appearance of your backyard, and with the right preparation and care, it can provide years of enjoyment for your family. If you follow the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your buried trampoline is installed properly and securely, and that it is maintained and cared for over time.

Remember to prioritize safety, regularly inspect and maintain your trampoline, and avoid common mistakes, and you can enjoy the benefits of your buried trampoline for years to come. If you have any questions or concerns about burying a trampoline, be sure to consult with a professional to ensure that you’re doing it safely and correctly.

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