The Ultimate Guide to Supervising Children on Trampolines

Published on: May 9, 2023
Written by Ferris Jacob / Fact-checked by Samrul Alom

Trampolining is a fun and exciting activity that has captured the hearts of children worldwide. It provides numerous physical and mental health benefits, such as improving balance, coordination, and cardiovascular fitness while boosting self-esteem and promoting social interaction. As with any physical activity, trampolining comes with inherent risks.

supervising children on trampolines

To ensure the safety of children on trampolines, adult supervision is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover various aspects of trampoline safety, from choosing the right equipment and setup to establishing rules and guidelines. By following these recommendations, you can create a safe and enjoyable trampolining environment for your children.

Understanding the Risks

Common trampoline injuries

Despite the joy it brings, trampolining can lead to injuries ranging from minor bruises to severe fractures and head injuries. Some of the most common trampoline injuries include:

The emotional impact of accidents

In addition to physical injuries, accidents on trampolines can leave emotional scars on children, leading to a fear of trampolining or other physical activities. It is essential to address and mitigate these emotional impacts alongside physical injuries.

Liability and legal considerations

As a trampoline owner, you may be held liable for injuries that occur on your property. To protect yourself, it is crucial to follow safety guidelines and ensure that children are adequately supervised while using the trampoline.

Trampoline Safety Equipment

Safety nets

A safety net is a crucial component for any trampoline setup. It prevents jumpers from falling off the trampoline and reduces the risk of injuries. Ensure that the net is correctly installed, surrounds the entire jumping surface, and is free from holes or tears.

Spring covers

Spring covers protect jumpers from coming into contact with the trampoline springs, reducing the risk of pinching and entrapment injuries. Choose a durable, well-fitting spring cover that completely covers the springs and attaches securely to the trampoline frame.

Frame padding

Trampoline frame padding is essential for protecting children from coming into contact with the hard metal frame. Look for high-quality padding that securely attaches to the frame and covers all exposed parts.

trampoline safety equipment

Ladder safety

If your trampoline has a ladder, ensure it is securely attached and has non-slip steps to prevent falls during entry and exit.

Trampoline Placement and Setup

Choosing the right location

Select a level, well-drained area for your trampoline, free from overhead hazards like tree branches and power lines. Ensure there is sufficient clearance around the trampoline, with at least a 6-foot safety perimeter.

Anchoring the trampoline

Anchor your trampoline using appropriate ground anchors or wind stakes to prevent it from tipping or moving during use.

Regular inspections and maintenance

Inspect the trampoline regularly for wear and tear, paying close attention to the springs, frame, mat, and safety net. Replace any damaged parts immediately and keep the trampoline clean and free from debris.

Establishing Rules and Guidelines

Age-appropriate use

Ensure that only children who meet the manufacturer’s age and weight guidelines use the trampoline. As a general rule, trampolines are not recommended for children under the age of 6.

One-at-a-time policy

To minimize the risk of collisions and injuries, enforce a one-at-a-time policy for trampoline use. This rule ensures that each child can jump safely without interference from others.

No flips or risky maneuvers

Discourage children from attempting flips, somersaults, or other risky maneuvers that can lead to head, neck, and spinal injuries. Instead, encourage them to practice controlled jumps and basic tricks within their skill level.

Entering and exiting safely

Teach children to enter and exit the trampoline carefully, using the ladder or designated entry point. Remind them not to jump off the trampoline, as this can lead to injuries.

Supervision Techniques

Active supervision

Always supervise children while they are using the trampoline. This means actively watching and engaging with them, rather than being distracted by other tasks or devices.

Positioning and sightlines

Choose a position that provides a clear view of the entire trampoline, allowing you to monitor children’s activities and quickly intervene if necessary.

Communication and enforcement

Clearly communicate the rules and expectations for trampoline use, and enforce them consistently. Ensure that children understand the reasons behind the rules and the potential consequences of not following them.

Encouraging safe play

Promote a positive and safe trampoline experience by praising children for following the rules and demonstrating safe behaviors.

Emergency Preparedness

Recognizing signs of injury

Familiarize yourself with the signs and symptoms of common trampoline injuries, such as swelling, bruising, or difficulty moving a limb. If you suspect a child is injured, stop the activity immediately and assess the situation.

First aid essentials

Keep a well-stocked first aid kit nearby, and know how to administer basic first aid for cuts, bruises, and other minor injuries.

When to call for professional help

In the event of a severe injury, such as a head, neck, or spinal injury, call for professional medical help immediately. Do not attempt to move the injured child unless absolutely necessary for their safety.

Building Confidence and Skills

Teaching trampoline fundamentals

Start by teaching children the basics of trampoline safety and jumping techniques, such as jumping in the center of the mat, maintaining control, and avoiding contact with others.

Progressing safely through skill levels

As children become more confident and skilled, introduce new tricks and skills gradually, always ensuring they are ready for the next level of difficulty.

Enrolling in structured trampoline classes

Consider enrolling your child in a structured trampoline class led by qualified instructors. These classes can help children learn new skills in a safe and controlled environment while reinforcing safety rules and guidelines.


Supervising children on trampolines is essential to ensure their safety and enjoyment. By following the guidelines and recommendations in this guide, you can create a fun and secure trampoline experience for your children while minimizing the risk of accidents and injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What age is appropriate for a child to use a trampoline?

Trampolines are generally not recommended for children under the age of 6. Always follow the manufacturer’s age and weight guidelines for your specific trampoline model.

How can I make my trampoline safer?

To make your trampoline safer, ensure you have the proper safety equipment installed, such as a safety net, spring covers, and frame padding. Also, make sure the trampoline is set up in a suitable location with ample clearance around it. Establish and enforce clear rules for trampoline use, and actively supervise children while they are jumping.

Are trampoline parks safer than backyard trampolines?

Trampoline parks and backyard trampolines each have their own set of risks. Trampoline parks may have more stringent safety regulations and trained staff, but they can also present an increased risk of collisions due to the larger number of jumpers. Backyard trampolines allow for greater control over the environment and supervision, but it is crucial to follow safety guidelines and maintain the equipment properly. Ultimately, the safety of either option depends on the precautions taken and the level of supervision provided.

How can I prevent my child from attempting dangerous tricks?

To discourage children from attempting dangerous tricks, establish clear rules and guidelines that prohibit high-risk maneuvers. Educate them on the potential risks and consequences associated with such actions. Encourage them to practice safe jumps and gradually progress through skill levels under proper supervision. Enrolling them in structured trampoline classes can also help them learn new skills safely while reinforcing the importance of following safety rules.

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